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Jennifer Paris: Josh Goldberg, candidate for Ward 1, is a great representation of Longmont

My name is Jennifer Paris & I’m a small business owner in Longmont. I’ve had the privilege of being a member of the Longmont Chamber for 17 years and have worked with a number of charities in our amazing community.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

My name is Jennifer Paris & I’m a small business owner in Longmont.  I’ve had the privilege of being a member of the Longmont Chamber for 17 years and have worked with a number of charities in our amazing community.

In these endeavors I’ve gotten to know Josh Goldberg because he has made himself invaluable to Longmont and the people that he touches.

Josh has a wonderful business mind and can look at issues from all sides before forming an opinion.   He has demonstrated this during the many Public Policy Committee meetings we have attended.  He is not one to over-simplify matters and I feel he goes out of his way to make sure all sides are heard.  In this capacity he has helped the Chamber and its Board to stay abreast of the many opportunities and challenges that we face as a community.

With that said, Josh is so much more than just a business person.  In all of his actions and words I see him stepping up to assist those in need.   He has hosted events and raised money for just about every charity in Longmont and Boulder County.  He has a talent of connecting people that wish to serve similar causes and encouraging others to bring their best selves to the table when it comes to serving our community.

When Josh told me that he planned to run for Ward I, my heart sang.  I can think of no other that could represent our beautiful town with more eloquence and thoughtfulness.  If you have not taken the time to research all that Josh has been involved in, I recommend you take a moment to see what he has done to date.  I’m honored that his aspirations include becoming even more involved in Longmont.  Thank you Josh!

This is a letter to the editor that was submitted to the Longmont Observer. The Longmont Observer does not endorse political candidates. Do you have a letter or an opinion piece you'd like to send us? Head over to our 'Submit an Opinion' page to learn more.