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Julia Dadone: State Senate is killing oil & gas protection bills without allowing debate

On Monday, January 29, a state senate committee killed an important bill introduced by Senator Matt Jones, SB18-048 known as the Protect Act.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

On Monday, January 29, a state senate committee killed an important bill

introduced by Senator Matt Jones, SB18-048 known as the Protect Act. The

bill would have given local governments the same authority over Oil & Gas

operations that they already have over every other heavy industrial


Applying a one-size-fits-all Industry model to the many varied economies

around the state is misguided, and even destructive. Oil & Gas Industry

(OGI) contributions to the Colorado economy, while significant, are dwarfed

by those of the outdoor/recreation industries. Research shows that the

outdoor recreation economy brings with it more income, and more diverse,

high-paying and permanent jobs than the OGI. Communities promoting outdoor

recreation attract employers and active workforces and thrive, both

economically and socially.

Many communities around the state depend on recreational activities,

requiring access to clean air, water, and unobstructed views of nature and

wildlife. OGI exploration would actually harm these economies, possibly

for the long-term or even irreversibly. Noise, air and water pollution,

light pollution, and views marred by industrial activities is the exact

opposite of what these areas need for a healthy economy.

For many decades the rights of the Oil & Gas Industry (OGI) have supersede

those of everyone else. But times and public opinions have changed.

Communities should have the right to determine for themselves what is best

for their local economy. Let those who want heavy industry next door

continue to invite drilling. But those who don’t want it should have the

right to say “No!”. OGI imposing exclusive authority over local governments

is an old paradigm that must be discarded, and it’s time state lawmakers

recognize that.

This bill should have had a fair discussion on the floor of the Senate, not

killed in a committee with a 3-2 vote.

Julia Dadone

Longmont, CO

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.