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Kathy Partridge: Tim Waters is the one candidate who promises to address the affordable housing issue seriously.

Tim Waters is the one candidate who promises to address the affordable housing issue seriously.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Tim Waters is the one candidate who promises to address the affordable

housing issue seriously. As the writer of the "letter to another

journalistic vehicle" referred to by Gregory Iwan, I encourage Longmont

Observer readers to view the candidate debate hosted by the Observer to

confirm this for yourselves. I'll share here what I wrote:

On his website, Tim says: “We need to accelerate construction of additional

affordable housing stock so a portfolio of options is available when

individuals and families are ready to rent or purchase. This is possible

when developers and businesses invest in the community. The Council must

reestablish fair but meaningful sources of revenue for growing Longmont’s

affordable housing fund along with zoning and permitting decisions that

ensure sufficient inventory of affordable homes for our diverse community.”

If that sounds complicated and technical, it’s because Tim has decades of

experience solving problems that are complicated and technical. He knows

that the only way to solve problems is to understand them in all their

complicated, technical details. He thinks in concrete detail. So he talks

in concrete detail. It’s a measure of his deep commitment to making real

progress on all the city’s challenges, including the need for affordable


There’s a striking contrast if you look at Tim’s principal opponent’s

website. It has one vague sentence on affordable housing. That reflects a

fundamental difference between these two candidates. Tim has decades of

experience as an executive, grappling with difficult problems and making

positive change, even when others thought nothing could change. He knows

how to get things done. Tim’s opponent just doesn’t have the experience,

the credentials, or the proven skills that we need in a City Council


Everyone knows that we face a serious housing problem in Longmont. It’s

getting harder and harder for people to afford to live here. In the

upcoming election for the Ward 1 City Council seat, one candidate promises

to address this issue seriously. That’s Tim Waters.

Kathy Partridge

Longmont, CO 80503

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.