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National Parental Alienation Day April 25

April 25 was National Parental Alienation Day. Parents like me wake up daily with that sickening feeling that hole in our hearts like no other.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

April 25 was National Parental Alienation Day. Parents like me wake up daily with that sickening feeling that hole in our hearts like no other. Until you have experienced the mental anguish which is driving some parents to suicide being separated from your own children is worse than spousal abuse. Make no mistake the divorce industry is a 50-billion-dollar business that profits from parental alienation. Not all attorneys suffer from misguided egos which will lead them to exploit families. Not all judicial officers will declare Parental Alienation as a legal theory leaving a protective parent with no custody. Parental Alienation is child abuse but rarely prosecuted. Parents like me are being horrifically and heinously abused by the Family Court Attorneys and Judges. Backed by the Bar Associations in North American, which are frowning on joint custody laws, 25 Million Parents across North America have either lost contact with their children or have been financial destroyed by the Family Court Attorneys.

Before you make an appointment with a 5 star Family Law Attorney that you found on AVVO I urge all parents to spend $9.99 and watch the film "Erasing Familes" The content of the film is so powerful the producer ,Ginger Gentile, decided to offer emotional support for those that are left feeling emotional overwhelmed. If you need to speak to someone after watching Erasing Families, the number to text between 8:00 am and 10:00 (EST) is 865-432-6459.

Regardless of my heartache that reporting child abuse cost me custody I urge all parents that have witnessed and have been told about physical and sexual abuse of a child to go to law enforcement. I will never give up on our children no matter how much financial and emotional abuse I am subjected too.

Judi-Beth Atwood

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.