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Opinion: Jeremy Gregory-- Joan Peck Devoted to Longmont Citizens Despite Baseless Attacks

As a Longmont native, I am proudly professing my endorsement of Joan Peck for Longmont City Council for another successful four years.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

As a Longmont native, I am proudly professing my endorsement of Joan Peck for Longmont City Council for another successful four years.

It is quite simply a no-brainer. Joan has proven herself to be a forward thinking, proactive and very effective city councilwoman for the people of
Longmont. Joan is authentic and pragmatic and open to hear all voices. She is gracious and tenacious and is unequivocally a staunch advocate for the
people of Longmont.

Joan has demonstrated her commitment and duty to the citizens of Longmont and has shown herself to be an effective Solutionary not just during her term as Councilmember but through the course of her accomplished life.

However, sadly, a couple of weeks ago, there was a very filthy attack ad placed in a local publication by a core group of unprincipled shills, bureaucrats and mouthpieces who only know how to operate in malfeasant, vitriolic and hateful ways. These people cozily in the pockets of special interests include former mayors of this city, councilmembers (former and current) and other bureaucrats. Their method of operation was and sadly, still is, to bully and spread lies and deception to advance their agenda
that benefit development, oil, fracking and gas at the expense of our cultural and natural heritage and our valued quality of life. Councilmember Peck’s courage to stand up to this whole profits-over-people behavior has been met with castigation over the years to the point where she has been ambushed with this baseless and ugly attack ad on her character. It is truly repugnant to say the least.

Joan is antithetical to this ugly behavior. Unlike this group, she is principled, honest and possesses integrity and honor. If you believe that there can and should be a better and honorable way to run and guide our city, then Joan Peck continues to be the solution. She is transparent in her vision and has been true to her commitment and devotion for the people of Longmont for many years in many capacities. She has happily sacrificed so much for this city. Her accomplishments and achievements are many.

I am proud of Councilwoman Peck. She has been instrumental in accomplishing so much and she has tirelessly devoted so much of her life in service to
the people; not greedy special interests. Councilmember Peck has shown herself to be a true change-agent with the people of this city as her top

To keep this positive egalitarian culture flourishing and alive, vote for Joan Peck.

Jeremy Gregory
CEO Tindakan Innovations