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Opinion:Polly Christensen--Joan Peck is Longmont’s Clear Choice

Joan Peck has been a tireless advocate for the well-being of the hard-working citizens of Longmont.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Joan Peck has been a tireless advocate for the well-being of the hard-working citizens of Longmont. We need her to continue to work for us for the next four years.

Her opponents nonsensically charge that the current council lacks vision and business experience. Joan has a clear vision of what she intends to initiate and finish in the next four years built upon what she has already accomplished. Her accomplishments are built upon her hard work, not ego and grandstanding. Solutions her opponents suggest are mostly what council has already achieved or is currently completing. Her opponents are either out of touch or taking credit for the ideas of others. As for business experience, Joan has worked her whole life. She has supervised and managed employees, started and run two small businesses, and been a public school librarian and substitute teacher. Likewise, Council members Rodriguez and Bagley currently run their own businesses. I grew up in a family business and I ran my own small business for eight years. Council members Martin and Waters have supervised and managed people.  

Joan does not just sit and listen. She does the research; she builds coalitions; she stays focused and insists upon results. She gets projects moving forward such as the petition drive to ban fracking in Longmont, the improved monitoring of air quality at Union Reservoir, the drive to get Peak Hour Service from BNSF and RTD (currently being modeled), improved quality and availability of early childhood education (on which she has more knowledge than any other council member), strong support of affordable housing and solutions for homelessness.

I have served with Jeff Moore and I have served with Joan Peck. There is no comparison. I cannot remember a single project that Moore initiated. Check out the financial contributors to this election. Joan does not represent the special interests who intend to rake in profits and power by manipulating this election. Joan represents all residents of Longmont, now and in and our future.

Joan lost her husband last year. She could have buried herself in grief over the loss of a fine husband and father, beloved friend, and devoted civil servant. Instead, she rose up and rededicated herself to listening to and representing the good-hearted people of Longmont.

Stand up for your future. Joan Peck is our best choice.

Polly Christensen
Longmont, CO 80501