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Stan Gelb: Gardner Votes to Confirm Pompeo

Our senator Cory Gardner just voted to confirm Mike Pompeo as the USA’s Secretary of State. This is the Pompeo who, as a congressman, openly called for the end of negotiations with Iran; Pompeo urged instead just launching a war by attacking Iran.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Our senator Cory Gardner just voted to confirm Mike Pompeo as the USA’s Secretary of State. This is the Pompeo who, as a congressman, openly called for the end of negotiations with Iran; Pompeo urged instead just launching a war by attacking Iran. Pompeo has expressed a similar war-first and war-only policy toward North Korea.

Pompeo has openly stated support for torture, even though torture is illegal under both USA law and international law. Pompeo has also openly and repeatedly disparaged Muslims.

Pompeo also denies climate change, which all knowledgeable people now understand is the greatest threat facing civilization and life on Earth.

So there you have Pompeo: a hatemonger and a warmonger who has contempt for our Constitution and international law. If Pompeo has his way, the USA will soon initiate wars of choice which will further damage international relations, further ravage the Earth, and result in enormous death tolls. And all that bloodshed will be on the hands of the White House occupant who nominated Pompeo, and on the senators like Gardner who voted to confirm him. Do Coloradoans want a senator with totally blood-soaked hands?

Stan Gelb

Longmont, CO 80501

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