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SVVSD gets closer to knowing more about school opening in fall

More updates expected in the last week of June
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In regards to the coronavirus, we continue to receive new information and guidance from our local and state health agency partners, as well as the Governor’s Office, as the coronavirus outbreak continues to evolve.

As information changes, our comprehensive task force is updating our fall back-to-school reopening plans to maximize opportunities for in-person and/or real-time virtual instruction while providing options and flexibility for students with medical concerns or other extenuating circumstances.

We intend to send more detailed information regarding our back-to-school plans during the last week of June, when we anticipate we will have more guidance from the Governor’s Office and our health agency partners.

Please know that our final plan will not be decided until mid-July as we continue to receive updates from our local and state health departments, as well as the Governor's Office, regarding what we are permitted in terms of reopening in the fall. Our first preference is to return to full in-person learning as soon as local and state guidelines permit.

While we are experiencing significant challenges, we still have much to celebrate, and I invite you to explore our highlighted stories this month, including our new Community Strong partnership publication, and a video produced by the Colorado Department of Education that celebrates our focus on innovation and student opportunity.

Again, thank you for all that you do to support our students, teachers, staff, and schools. I feel honored to continue serving this community and I am incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished together. 

Don Haddad, Ed.D.
