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Opinion: Healthy Eating Made Easy

For whatever reason, giving our bodies the food it needs to be healthy and happy has fallen very low on our lists. From being too busy, or not knowing where to start; most people don't realize that healthy eating is very accessible.

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

For whatever reason, giving our bodies the food it needs to be healthy and happy has fallen very low on our lists. From being too busy, or not knowing where to start; most people don't realize that healthy eating is very accessible.

Healthy eating is a very personalized thing, it's about taking care of yourself and not necessarily to look good. It starts with setting a goal, knowing where you want to be and what it takes to get there.

Cutting back on things that we recognize are harmful is key, this could include very processed, high in sugar kinds of foods. Instead of seeking out delicious but harmful meals, try looking for healthier alternatives, like natural sugars in fruit or homemade pastries instead of store bought. Proteins like meats and fish are also very important to fuel the body throughout the day.

This is a simple and yummy example of a snack or breakfast from

For people with a busy schedule, it can be hard to find the time to cook wholesome meals, turning to quick solutions. A quick fix to this is setting aside an hour or two once a week to prep some healthy lunches or dinners for the week. Or simply carrying nutritious snacks like berries or nuts to munch on throughout the day.

If this isn't an option, and if you are planning to eat out, choose the healthiest option you have available to you. This can include drinking water instead of soda. Small changes contribute to an overall healthier meal. Someone with limited recourses  would also be able to make these small changes. Someone with limited resources would also be able to implement these small changes.

It's often confused that eating healthy requires a person to cut back on the foods they enjoy or to take out calories from their diet entirely. But that's not entirely the case. Healthy eating is done to fuel the body and keep it happy.

Some 'healthy' foods are not as nourishing as previously anticipated, for example nutrition bars are overly processed. Some foods decisions that are thought to be bad for you, like having bacon in the morning; would really be a better option than eating a slice of toast or cereal for breakfast. This is because bacon would actually speed up your metabolism early in the morning and provide fuel, as opposed to the toast or cereal that would do neither of those.

The importance of eating healthy is simply to feel better internally and to take care of your body, this could be done in different ways. Staying away from toxic foods for the body and eating more of what's good for the body like green foods. It's not meant to be a stressful process, but something that's just a better option to a thriving lifestyle. Healthy eating starts with a resolution and taking baby steps.

Recently Boulder County has been making motion to increase healthier lifestyles for people in the area. One of these goals is reducing sugary drink consumption. They have many strategies to accomplish this, including; promoting drinking water and unsweetened beverages at family events, facilities and government properties. Also, to educate the community of the harmful consequences of drinking sugary beverages. To learn more about Boulder County's Healthy Eating and Active Living go to:

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer. It does not, necessarily, represent the views of the Longmont Observer. To submit an opinion piece please visit our Submit An Opinion page on our website