The Longmont Leader accepts contributions, photos, letters to the editor, or LTEs, and op-eds for publication from community members, business leaders and public officials on local topics. Publication will be at the discretion of the editor and published opinions do not represent the views of the Longmont Leader or its staff. To submit a contribution, email [email protected].
When I first met my future husband I thought he was the nicest guy I had ever met. One characteristic of his I most admired was his sincere concern for other people, especially those who are generally suffering or mistreated in some way.
I volunteered with HOPE off and on for five years, so I am not ignorant of the realities of the homeless population in our city. Gary is aware of the affections I developed for clients, and he certainly has a general understanding of the hardships faced by many. I can also say he is supportive of programs that require individuals to make concerted efforts to become employed and live independently.
Gary recognizes that to allow vagrancy to continue and inevitably grow under current policies shows a lack of charity and respect for the God-given dignity of the transient population and all the others who are negatively impacted. I have no doubt his approach to this issue will be justly pursued with sincere compassion for everyone involved, and that includes residents and businesses alike.
Please join me in supporting my husband, Gary Hodges, for the vacant At-Large Longmont City Council seat.
Lisa Hodges