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LTE: Can we accept each other as we are?

The first principle of Unitarian Universalism is: The inherent worth and dignity of every person.

The first principle of Unitarian Universalism is: The inherent worth and dignity of every person.

This is not dogma or doctrine but rather a guide for those who chose to live their lives where they do not identify anyone as a “other”.

Of course this is not always easy.

Just think though how more peaceful this world would be and how much less energy would be spent harming “others”.  How much less harm we would do to ourselves if we could accept everyone for who they are. Of course this not going to happen any time soon.

Not in a world where too many Christian and other churches not only tolerate bigotry but far too often promote bigotry within and outside their congregations.
Not in a world where politicians use misinformation and the power of their vote to cause great harm to marginalized humans and lately are focusing on trans youth.

Not in a world where the interests of marginalized people depend on which Federal Judge hears a case.

Not in a world where elected officials focus more on party power than on the needs of marginalized people.
Not in a world where big money and big corporations have too much power and one political Party keeps keeps giving them more money and power.
Not in a world where as MLK might have said, good people talk amongst themselves and then…..nothing

(Others may include women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, indigenous peoples, the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, children, the poor, ...)

Today’s issue:  Why the sudden concern and vilification of trans youth?

Facts: Being trans is a natural condition as concluded by thorough studies of several medical associations. It can not be taught! It is not contagious!

Because of the unnecessary stigma often resulting from religious dogma many youth have suffered in silence before coming out. The best thing we can do to support trans youth is to show them the same respect and love we should for all youth.

We can read and otherwise learn about what it means to be trans (or gay or lesbian). We can be aware of the availability of support from OUT Boulder.  And support OUT Boulder because you may find someday as I did, that is the place to go to learn how best to support your trans family member.

Bob Norris
