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LTE: Endorsement for Susie

"Susie, among others, is finding that minority children and those in poverty are slipping through the cracks."

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Susie worked with the staff to create the Neighborhood Impact team: it’s a collaborative effort between the Core/Leads team public safety and community Neighborhood resources departments which focuses on getting unhoused individuals into appropriate services.

Susie is working closely with public safety, the youth and children, youth and family divisions to boost programs and opportunities for youth focusing on Latinx youth and children in poverty. Susie, among others, is finding that minority children and those in poverty are slipping through the cracks. Susie is always looking for ways to engage our youth in opportunities that lead to leadership roles in the community.

Susie is on the museum board and youth council and Neighborhood Group Leadership Association (NGLA). Susie is a big supporter for the Longmont Latinx Voices a nonprofit organization whose mission is to present scholarships to Latinx high school seniors and to make it an even playing field for our Latinx, underprivileged and at-risk youths to be able to participate in sports or any activity they so desire.

Those are some of the reasons why I will and hopefully, you will vote for Susie if you live in Ward 3. Thank you 

Vic Vela Sr