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LTE: Re-elect City Councilor Susie Hidalgo-Fahring, Ward 3

"Susie is the first Latina to be elected to Longmont City Council and has proven herself a force to be reckoned with."
Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

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The vitriol and animosity expressed by certain individuals against Councilor Susie Hidalgo-Fahring on the Longmont Leader’s opinion page are bewildering and, frankly, disgusting.

Susie's sharing of her family's personal stories regarding mental health issues has been very helpful to other Longmont families experiencing similar situations. And it has softened some of the stigma associated with mental illness.

As a teacher, and the city council's liaison to our Longmont Youth Council, Susie relates to this rising generation.   She was instrumental in securing funds through the Broncos Stadium sale program for Longmont’s youth activities.

Susie is also the council's liaison to NGLA (Neighborhood Group Leaders Association), the museum and SVVEA (St. Vrain Valley Education Association). 

Recently, Susie played a significant role getting pedestrian safety lights installed along Main Street, on Mountain View Avenue and Harvard Street, and at the corner of 17th Street and Airport Road, which has been approved but not yet installed.

Susie is the first Latina to be elected to Longmont City Council and has proven herself a force to be reckoned with.

For those of you who apparently know almost nothing about Susie, review her website to learn about her accomplishments regarding these topics:  Economic Vitality, Mental Health, Environment, Housing, Transportation, and Social Infrastructure. 

 Inform yourselves. Look them up.