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LTE: Supporting incumbent council members

"I believe that Joan, Susie and Sean will continue to work hard to help all residents of Longmont, including our youth."

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We need to keep Mayor Joan Peck, Susie Hidalgo Fahring and Sean McCoy on our Longmont City Council. 

They listen to everyone who wants to speak during their city council meetings and reach out into the community with coffee times.  They also put together a big survey to find out what was important to the residents of Longmont for our future.  Based on those things they did a lot of research and put together the ballot measures on our ballots. 

Now they want  Longmont voters to decide if they can afford the extra taxes for these projects. Some of us feel the time is not right for extra taxes even though we would love to have the projects completed that are on the ballot.  No matter what happens to those projects, I believe that Joan, Susie and Sean will continue to work hard to help all residents of Longmont, including our youth!