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LTE: Three choices, three platforms for mayor

"What does matter are the ideas and solutions one brings to the table."
A voter casting a ballot.

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As a person concerned for the future of Longmont, I find myself greatly interested in the voice of the people and the direction with which our mayoral candidates would take our community.

This year it seems there are three choices, far left, far right, or one in the middle. Personally, it does not matter where a candidate sits on the proverbial political scale, but what does matter are the ideas and solutions one brings to the table.

After careful review of our three candidates' platforms, it seems rather clear that only Ethan Augreen offers practical and realistic goals to Longmont's most common issues. Ethan believes in combining regenerative solutions and outside of the box thinking to tackle issues including cost-effective energy production and consumption, affordable housing, the water table, healthy low-cost food, and the safety of our community!

Ethan Augreen's vision for the future of Longmont is based on utilizing strategies to achieve community goals and solve issues, current and future, by integrating forward thinking regenerative methods with contemporary best practices realized by other communities.

Ethan Augreen's solutions optimize Longmont's probability of becoming the Jewel of the Front Range!