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LTE: We need a venue to serve the entire community

"Many nonprofits need a more appropriate place for fundraising dinners." 

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I served on the Mahlerfest board for several years and currently serve on the outreach and inclusion committee.  Artistic Director and conductor, Kenneth Woods includes music from Mexican and other non-traditional composers.

My wife and I have attended Longmont Symphony concerts for nearly 20 years and have been donors all of that time. 

I appreciate the many things that Elliot Moore has done to increase the attendance at the Longmont Symphony, after symphony attendance at local restaurants and the efforts to introduce classical music to students at some of the schools.

With that background, I still object to an $80 million project that would serve largely the white population. 

I am also concerned that we are putting new facilities in areas that do not serve the under served population. 

Longmont Latinx  Voices has raised the issue that many of our youth can not afford to participate in musical events and classes .  Addressing this should be part of the vision of a new venue. 

Nonprofits like Recovery Cafe and El Comite need much smaller amounts of money so that they can have adequate space to serve members of our communities that are truly in need. Similarly TLC needs a smaller amount of money to create a childcare center. 

Many nonprofits need a more appropriate place for fundraising dinners. 

We also have a problem in Longmont and the surrounding area that is contributing to generational poverty and ability for women to work and ability for businesses to find workers, and otherwise creating problems for our community.  That problem is the severe lack of childcare and early childhood education!

If we are going to have a new venue we need to involve a wider portion of the community.