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High Plains Bank’s second location marked with history and ribbon cutting

The ribbon-cutting ceremony at High Plains Bank was not just an opening; it was a celebration of growth, community and resilience.
High Plains Bank celebrates opening of its new building that will house the Trust, Estate and Investment Service departments

Amid the gathering dusk, the historic 385 Main Street building echoed with the chatter of a packed house as High Plains Bank ushered in a new era marked by the ceremonious cutting of the ribbon. 

With beers in hand and infectious enthusiasm, they celebrated a fresh beginning, symbolizing the culmination of extensive renovation efforts and anticipation of growth and prosperity in the heart of Downtown Longmont.

“Downtown Longmont is the ideal location for our much-needed office space. We eagerly anticipate having our loan department and trust, estate and investment services team centrally located in the heart of the community,” said John Creighton, chief executive officer of High Plains Bank.

This historic two-story building, originally erected in the early 1900s, had undergone extensive renovations over the past 18 months, with the event unveiling the newly refurbished offices.

The atmosphere was electric, as bright-eyed employees and associates, buoyed by the spirit of camaraderie, marked the transition to a new chapter. The event unfolded with the backdrop of a packed house, where employees and associates gathered to embrace the spirit of a new beginning. 

Stakeholder Relations Representative Michelle Hovdesven set the stage for the celebration, emphasizing the purposeful design of the space to highlight the staff and commemorate the bank’s remarkable expansion.

“We decided to have the ribbon cutting in this beautiful alcove as it is the perfect place to highlight staff and celebrate this amazing expansion,” Hovdesven said.

Welcoming the High Plains Bank team officing at the new location, Hovdesven extended gratitude to the community, emphasizing their love for Longmont. She highlighted the building’s acquisition in 2022 and subsequent renovations, inviting attendees on self-guided tours post-ribbon cutting to explore the extensive space housing the Trust, Estate and Investment Services on the floor below and the loan department upstairs.

“I just wanted to thank everyone for coming. Really happy to be part of High Plains and being downtown,” Senior Vice President and Senior Trust Officer, Jane Cox, took the stage to express her gratitude and happiness. Cox acknowledged the collective effort that brought them to this point, giving a special thanks to the management and everyone involved in the journey.

“I just want to really thank everyone for taking the time today out of their busy schedule and joining us in this celebration,” said Market President Narciso Garibay, reflecting on the collaborative effort and the excitement of showcasing the new facilities.

As the evening continued, Allen Lenort of KCI Construction presented framed memorabilia brought together during the building’s construction. The presentation brought a historical element to the celebration, connecting the past to the present.

“When we were starting the demo and all that, we found an old bank bag downstairs with some unique paraphernalia,” Lenort said. 

The ribbon-cutting ceremony at High Plains Bank was not just an opening; it was a celebration of growth, community and resilience. The journey from acquisition to renovation, the acknowledgment of partners and contributors and the unveiling of historical connections all contributed to an evening that marked a significant milestone.

As Garibay and Cox seamlessly cut the ribbon, their smiles reflected the collective pride in High Plains Bank’s journey. The jam-packed alcove, brimming with the warmth of camaraderie, witnessed the symbolic inauguration of a new era. 

As the ribbon fluttered to the ground, the anticipation rippled through the crowd, leading to a joyful shuffle from the alcove, where employees and associates had gathered. The festivities seamlessly transitioned upstairs, setting the stage for a weekend of celebration filled with food, drinks and shared moments of success.