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Longmont computer store looks to younger generation to build its future

CO-TechPoint hires high school students interested in computer repair.

CO-TechPoint, a downtown Longmont computer and electronic retailer and repair shop, has provided on-the-job technician training to high schoolers and recent graduates since 2018. 

Over the years, 10-12 teenagers have been hired as computer technicians, according to the store owner Andrew Zimmerman. While it’s not a defining requirement for employment at CO-TechPoint,  Zimmerman said that younger staff have a knack for computers.

“What I realized early on was, it was the younger generation of folks — kids, seniors in high school, juniors — seem to be the most common age group that were really good at this, or could get good at this,” Zimmerman said.

Zimmerman has owned the computer store at 436 Main St since 2018 as part of a franchise of a company. He decided to operate CO-TechPoint as a privately owned entity in March.

Some hires have come from The Innovation Center of St. Vrain Valley School District, which has several tech and STEM programs. Zimmerman said from his hiring experience, he has confidence in hires who are The Innovation Center alumni.

However, most employees have been referred to him by other technicians. The lead technician Drew Jordan, an 18-year-old recent graduate of Erie High School, was referred to CO-TechPoint by his friend Jackson Guthrie, a computer technician at the store. Though this is Jordan’s first job, he has always enjoyed fixing broken machines and watching his dad, who maintained the IT upkeep for his job.

Jordan plans on continuing his career in STEM and was accepted to the Colorado School of Mines where he plans to major in electrical engineering, with a minor in quantum engineering. Growing up around repairs and working at CO-TechPoint for nearly eight months has helped prepare him.

“It was just an amazing opportunity to be able to really get a jumpstart with so much experience,” Jordan said.

Jordan plans to continue his role as lead technician while starting college. His 16-year-old brother, Noah Jordan, just started at CO-TechPoint this summer and is the store’s youngest hire. Noah said he was looking for a summer job and thought it was a great opportunity to join his brother at the computer store.

Zimmerman said CO-TechPoint is creating new custom services including parental control installations. When that launches, he may need new technicians around the end of September.

Correction: Only 10-12 teenagers have been hired at the store with a total of 18 employees.