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Left Hand Outdoor Challenge for Teens is Accepting Applications

The Left Hand Outdoor Challenge is accepting applications from teens (ages 14-18). The application deadline is August 15, 2018.

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

The Left Hand Outdoor Challenge is accepting applications from teens (ages 14-18). The application deadline is August 15, 2018.

"The Left Hand Outdoor Challenge is an innovative program that aims to inspire Boulder County high school students to be stewards of our open space lands. Through demonstration and hands-on application of resource management techniques, participants will be able to apply sound environmental stewardship practices to their daily lives, as well as inspiring future career choices. Innovative and enjoyable monthly challenges incorporate volunteer service, environmental education, and interactive group discussions focusing on relevant resource management issues and building appropriate skills," according to Sarah Andrews, Caribou Ranch Resident Ranger for Boulder County Parks & Open Space.

This is the sixth year for the program. Each year the Left Hand Outdoor Challenge accepts between 24-30 teens who, "have an interest in the learning about natural resources and spending time outdoors," says Andrews.

The criteria to apply include: interest in the learning about natural resources and spending time outdoors, time to commit to the nine month program and an interview with the parks staff.

The nine month program requires an 8-10 hour a month time commitment. This time will be spent in one Wednesday night meeting and one weekend (Saturday or Sunday) challenge a month.

Ice rescue (Photo courtesy of Left Hand Outdoor Challenge)

"This season we will be focusing on the management and natural resources of Heil Valley Ranch. A couple examples of the challenges we are planning are back country hiking and orienteering, wilderness medicine, and how prescribed fire is used as a management tool. We have different challenges each year," says Andrews.

"One of the most critical things we focus on is how our public lands are managed and why preserving them is important. We focus on creating a stewardship ethic that the teens will carry over into adulthood. In addition to that we take them to places on Open Space land that the general public does not get to go."

According to Andrews, teens are introduced, "to lots different career options and education opportunities. We also encourage the kids to apply for seasonal jobs with the Boulder County Youth Corps, Colorado Parks and Wild Life, the City of Boulder and other agencies that hire teens. We provide introductions and letters of reference."

The program, "is led by two Boulder County Parks and Open Space Rangers. Participants can be in the program all through high school. We’ve had several participants go on to pursue degrees and careers in natural resources. Each year focuses on a different topic and the challenges change from year to year." says Andrews.

The following is the tentative schedule for the 2018-2019 Left Hand Outdoor Challenge. Please note that the schedule may change as the schedule is finalized.

Download 2018-2019-Challenge-Schedule-Sharable.docx.pdf

For more information and to apply, visit or contact Ranger Sarah Andrews at [email protected].