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Dear Longmont Leader readers,

As of June 1, 2024, the Longmont Leader has ceased operations.

Since The Longmont Leader first launched eight years ago, we have been dedicated to providing accurate, timely and reliable local news to our readers. From local government updates and community events to business features and stories about our neighbors, we have strived to be your trusted source for all things Longmont. Our mission has always been to keep you informed and connected to the heart of our community. We hope you feel we have delivered on that mission over the years.

The decision to end operations of The Longmont Leader was not made lightly and we understand the impact it may have on our loyal readers and community partners. We wish to extend our sincerest thanks to our valued readers, contributors, advertisers and partners, whose support and trust have been invaluable in allowing us to provide quality news coverage to the Longmont area.

It has been an honor to serve this community. Together, we have celebrated the highs, navigated the lows and shared countless moments that make our community special.

With gratitude,

The Longmont Leader team

For any inquiries or to share your thoughts, please contact [email protected].