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La Vita Bella Strengthened by Community Support

Community is a network of relationships, an infinite web of partnerships and compatriots working toward a common goal and often, a common good.
La Vita Bella (Photo by Rick Brennan/ Longmont Observer)

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Community is a network of relationships, an infinite web of partnerships and compatriots working toward a common goal and often, a common good. La Vita Bella, ownership and staff alike, have always strived to put community at the center of our goals. A place for the best things in life; coffee and cocktails, a home for arts and music, and a place to gather with friends and family to share in the love. 

With the onset of the global crisis at the start of March, it suddenly looked dire for a place like La Vita Bella. We work hard to cultivate a space that is inviting and comfortable but suddenly, found ourselves unable to host events and gatherings. So many restaurants, bars, cafes, and businesses have been similarly affected by the sad and necessary restrictions put on public gatherings. 

And yet, even in the darkest of times, there can always be found the light of hope. Longmont has rallied around it’s businesses, especially with the guidance of organizations like the LDDA and Chamber of Commerce. Many people have bought gift cards and continued to buy take-out from their favorite places that can still offer it. 

Despite the hardships and struggles, La Vita Bella has been fortunate in this regard. While we pursue relief and aid from the government, the question of how to best support our staff and families has been a heavy weight. A GoFundMe campaign brought in support and our dear patrons have continued purchasing gift cards as well. But the most astounding act has been the support from our neighbors across Main Street. 

Pastor Philip Woods and the church he helped plant, The Well, are community-driven, as well. They have invested in the people of Longmont and in the caretaking of a historical landmark. Pastor Woods has always shown himself to be a warm, caring man, with a huge heart. It shouldn’t have been a surprise then, that the man that regularly comes in for coffee and conversation at our gathering place would be so quick to help us rally support. 

The Well started a fundraiser amongst their parishioners with a goal of $2,000 to go towards La Vita Bella’s staff as we struggle through this crisis. Not only did they meet the fundraising goal, but the amount was matched. Tears of joy flowed when we received a check for $4,000. There are not enough words in any language to express the amount of love and gratitude felt towards this beautiful gesture. 

They say no man is an island. We touch each others’ lives, even in the smallest of ways, every day. And sometimes there are opportunities to make a huge impact. Though the financial support is appreciated and necessary in these unprecedented times, the bigger impact is the warmth and compassion. Kindness makes big ripples in Longmont’s pond. 

We can show our appreciation vocally and publicly. We can also work to return that compassion by taking care of our staff and paying it forward to others. To continue to share joy, art, and music, to be another light in the dark. And when we’re all through this pandemic, we will be ready to gather again. 

Thank you to the congregation and leadership of The Well, for this beautiful act. And thank you to the people of Longmont. We love our town, we love this community and we want to call it home forever. We will survive this and thrive together as proud Longmonsters.