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Video: Longmont Startup Week 2018: Jobs to be Done: A Guided Session

Session description, from the Longmont Startup Week 2018 website: A facilitated session on the Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) Framework, and how it can help you build products that people will buy because it focuses your product on helping the customer do wh
Longmont Startup Week
(Sergio R. Angeles / Longmont Observer)

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Session description, from the Longmont Startup Week 2018 website:

A facilitated session on the Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) Framework, and how it can help you build products that people will buy because it focuses your product on helping the customer do what the customer needs to get done.

Una sesión orientada al Marco de trabajos por Hacer (JTBD por sus siglas en ingles), y cómo puede ayudarlo a construir productos que las personas comprarán porque estos se enfocan para ayudar a sus clientes a completar las tareas del día que ellos necesitan completar.