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Councilmember Christensen calls for community forum on fireworks

Council voted to put forward a proposal for a community conversation.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A community conversation about fireworks in Longmont is coming after Councilmember Polly Christensen, Tuesday night, blasted residents for shooting off rockets and blasting caps well before and after the Fourth of July.

“I love fireworks, however, setting off fireworks a month or two before the Fourth and a month or two after, doesn’t make you a fierce patriot, it makes you an obnoxious jerk,” Christensen said.

A constant barrage of fireworks after the holiday in neighborhoods in Longmont forces people to be “prisoners in their own homes” and those that set off the noise makers are bullies, Christensen said.

Christensen asked for a community forum about fireworks and a task force be formed over their overuse. The council eventually voted to put a proposal to have a community conversation about fireworks on an upcoming city council agenda.

Christensen said she’s sure several people will attend a forum on fireworks. However, the ones most responsible for the problem will not attend. “All they are interested in is bullying people,” she said.