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Go Avalanche. No DUI.

The Colorado State Patrol urges you to plan ahead before celebrating


It’s always fun when one of our professional sports teams makes it to playoffs, or even better, the championship. For the first time since 2001, the Colorado Avalanche arrived in the Stanley Cup finals. The Colorado State Patrol backs your support for the Avalanche and enjoying the camaraderie with friends and family. This is why we want to urge you to plan ahead if you plan to consume alcohol or cannabis during your celebrations. 

The best way to avoid a DUI, or worse is to plan ahead.  Today, there are literally no excuse for driving impaired. Between ride shares, taxis, RTD, spending the night at a friend’s or designating a sober driver (not the person who is least drunk), it is simple to make the smart decision. Plan to leave your car at home as it limits the possibility of making a bad choice later. “If you wait to plan until the drinking has already started, the chances you’re going to make a bad decision greatly increase,” said Sergeant Troy Kessler with the Colorado State Patrol.    

To keep Colorado roads as safe as possible, the Colorado State Patrol is dedicating extra shifts and personnel to detect and enforce Colorado’s DUI laws each night the Colorado Avalanche play. Their sole responsibility is to find drunk drivers and get them off the road. “If you plan on drinking, please do so responsibly by not getting into a motor vehicle and endangering others,” said Sergeant Kessler. 

Go Avs!!
