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Hexaquest is a heckuva trivia game developed on Longmont tabletop

​​​​​​​Hexaquest, a board game that simplifies tricky-hard trivia
Hexaquest is a boardgame developed by local Martin Soederhamn

Hexaquest, a board game that simplifies tricky-hard trivia, has emerged as a breath of fresh air in the gaming community with the intention of reaching mainstream culture with open-armed simplicity. 

Born from the inventive mind of Martin Soederhamn, a hexa-dexterous Longmont resident originally from Denmark, Hexaquest transcends traditional trivia experiences by infusing strategy and varying skill levels. 

Soederhamn’s diverse background, including stints as a scuba diver and extensive global travel, has greatly influenced the game’s development. With a mission to simplify the often-complex trivia game, Hexaquest has become more than just a source of entertainment, it’s a catalyst for bringing people together through shared experiences.

“I’ve done a lot of jobs where the work has helped me with this. For example, I was a grant writer at some point, managed a weed dispensary and worked in a translation company for almost a decade,” Soederhamn said.

His years as a travel YouTuber, documenting unique experiences like living with reindeer herders in Mongolia, contribute to the fascinating content of the game. The idea for Hexaquest struck Soederhamn during a trivia game session in Thailand in 2005. Frustrated with the layout and difficulty of questions, this moment sparked the inception of Hexaquest, a game designed to be both challenging and accessible. 

The concept germinated from his passion for a wide spectrum of topics, including food, film, nature, history and geography. The introduction of multiple-choice answers was a strategic move to make the game inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. The questions are meticulously crafted to convey information in the fewest words possible, devoid of unnecessary embellishments.

In the early stages of Hexaquest’s development, Soederhamn reached out to the gaming community for assistance, particularly in sourcing trivia questions. The community’s contribution laid the foundation for Hexaquest’s diverse range of questions but much of it was done with friends, family and experts in the field. 

From comic books to wildlife conservation, Hexaquest brings together diverse realms of knowledge, providing players with a well-rounded experience. Soederhamn introduced expansion packs in 2023, each delving into unique categories such as “Detective,” “Rockstar” and “Gamer.” 

The quality of Hexaquest has also been paramount for Soederhamn. The meticulous attention to detail, the hexagon pieces with a bit of heft were inspired by the flick of a domino, ensures a lasting experience.

These days, most of Soederhamn’s diving involves plunging into the business of Hexaquest. Hexaquest, however, wasn’t an overnight success. It has been a long process of about 15 years to make it come to fruition.

In 2020, Soederhamn took a leap of faith by launching a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to bring Hexaquest to life. The campaign surpassed its initial goal, asking for $12,000 and getting funded for approximately $25,000. The enthusiastic support propelled Hexaquest from a successful campaign to a sustainable and growing business.

“I wanted this to be a sustainable business that can grow much bigger, not just to support me, of course, which is necessary, but because I created something that I believe can be a bit of a mainstay in the gaming scene,” Soederhamn expressed. 

Managing the business side of game development is a hurdle many board game creators face, but Soederhamn, drawing from his diverse job experiences, has found his way. In the summer of 2023, he made a significant life choice — he quit his job as a commercial filmmaker to fully immerse himself in the production and distribution of Hexaquest. 

“You’ve got to take the leap sooner or later, so I did it this summer,” Soederhamn said. “I technically haven’t paid myself extra yet. I’m just moving on with the business … The success of the game is the driver, money will come with it.”

Hexaquest’s availability in local stores, including the locally beloved Atomic Goblin, has been a cherry on top. “They have been fantastic,” he shared, highlighting the support from local game stores that adds a personal touch to the game’s accessibility.

“Starting to kind of see that recognition is really great, and locals having support and local love is something I truly believe in,” Soederhamn expressed.

Turning attention to marketing, Soederhamn detailed his approach, which included leveraging social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, recognizing their success in reaching a broader audience.

Participating in gaming conventions proved to be a significant milestone as well. The experience reinforced his commitment to attend more conventions, aiming to connect with players directly. Soederhamn is resolute about keeping his creation analog, addressing the persistent inquiry about creating an app for Hexaquest. 

“I want people to sit down with their friends and family and put the phone aside, and light a candle, and open a bottle of wine, and sit and have a good time together,” Soederhamn said. “Being Danish, it’s such a big part of our culture is socializing. You’re always over at somebody else’s having dinner, playing games or whatever, often because of the weather in the wintertime.” 

With 5,000 games sold in 2023, Soederhamn envisions a bright future for Hexaquest and aims to sell 10,000 games in 2024 and 50,000 in 2025. His journey doesn’t end with Hexaquest. A visionary at heart, he’s already delving into the creation of another game, teasing the gaming community with the promise of yet another immersive experience hopefully by this Spring with a Kickstarter. 

A simple idea can evolve into a game-changer. As Hexaquest continues to capture the imagination of players, Soederhamn’s story is a beacon for aspiring game developers and dreamers alike, proving that sometimes, the slowest journey leads to the most rewarding destinations.