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‘Los Seis de Boulder’ commemorated with public art dedication

City remembering 50th anniversary with dedication of a new memorial sculpture
Los Seis de Boulder Public Art Dedication on May 28 honors the placement of a new piece of city-owned artwork created by University of Colorado Boulder (CU) alumna and artist Jasmine Baetz

The Los Seis de Boulder Public Art Dedication honors the placement of a new piece of city-owned artwork created by University of Colorado Boulder (CU) alumna and artist Jasmine Baetz. Join us on Tuesday, May 28 from 6 to 7 p.m. at the site of the new art installation on the corner of 17th Street and Pearl in Boulder’s downtown.

Baetz’s work commemorates “Los Seis”: six CU students, alumni, and students from other campuses who were active in the Chicano Student Movement that were killed in two separate car bombings in 1974. The first bomb went off in Chautauqua Park on May 27. Then, on May 29, a second bomb exploded in a parking lot at 28th and Canyon. Una Jaakola, Reyes Martínez, Neva Romero, Francisco Dougherty, Heriberto Terán, and Florencio Granado tragically lost their lives.

At the time of the bombings, students in UMAS (United Mexican American Students) were occupying Temporary Building 1 on CU Boulder’s campus to demand continued financial aid and Educational Opportunity Programs for Mexican American students.

In 2019, a memorial sculpture created by Baetz and hundreds of community participants was installed at CU Boulder in front of Temporary Building 1. The second sculpture, which was donated to the city’s permanent public art collection, was installed earlier this month at the corner of 17th Street and Pearl, titled “El Movimiento Sigue” (The Movement Continues). The sculpture embodies the multigenerational and coalitional effort to fight against oppressive systems and advocate for education and transformation.

“On the 50th anniversary of this tragedy in our community, we come together to remember those lost and share in their legacy,” said City Manager Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde. “Artwork has a powerful ability to memorialize loss and offer a space for reflection. It is through pieces like this community-created sculpture that we can begin to acknowledge the past and heal from it.”

The dedication event on May 28 will highlight speakers including the artist Jasmine Baetz, family members of those lost in the tragic events of 50 years ago and a CU alumnus. Spanish interpretation will be provided. More information about the dedication event can be found on the city’s website.

City Council issued a declaration in memory of Los Seis on May 16. In alignment with the declaration, the city’s Office of Equity and Belonging made a $1,500 contribution to the University of Colorado Boulder BUENO Center for Multicultural Education Los Seis Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship exists in honor and memory of those lost in the bombings. The funding supports any student whose background would bring economic, racial or ethnic parity representation to the student body at CU Boulder. For more information, please visit the CU Boulder website.
