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Support the Leader, your source for local news

What a first six months it’s been. As a regular reader, we're asking you to consider becoming a monthly contributor in support of The Longmont Leader's reporting on issues that affect our community.
Longmont mountains

What a first six months it’s been. 

As a regular reader, you know that The Longmont Leader has been reporting on the issues that affect you – from the coronavirus to our schools, the upcoming election and everything in between. We’ve also hosted virtual community conversations about racial justice and policing as well as the re-opening of public schools.

We also have a commitment to regularly publish stories in Spanish to ensure everyone in our community has access to the information they need. In fact, if you missed it, we recently announced that Silvia Romero Solís was hired as the Leader's bilingual community correspondent. 

It’s this kind of community-focused journalism that we know matters, because it’s more than just bringing you headlines, but having regular conversations to ensure that we're listening to our community. 

While we’ve had help getting launched, we know that we’ll need the support of readers like you to survive for years to come. And, we want to stay true to our mission of providing news that is free and accessible to everyone.

But, there is a cost to delivering this news to you. To help start us on a path to be self-sustaining, we’re launching a year-end contributors campaign. Our goal is to get 100 new monthly contributors — of at least $5 per month — by Dec. 31. 

This money will help us continue to make sense of the important local issues in Longmont, bring you a wide array of voices and perspectives, and build a strong foundation for independent, local journalism.

Will you make a contribution today and support local news that matters?