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Hadley Patrick Durham


hadley durham

1990 - 2021

Hadley Patrick Durham was born August 28, 1990 in Colorado Springs, Co to parents Pat and Anita (Fetty) Durham. Hadley grew up on the farm southeast of Rush, Co. Attended church and bible school at Kendrick Bible Church and Living Word Community Church. Attended school at Miami-Yoder in Rush and was in the vocational welding program at PPCC.

He was a 4-H member with beef and sheep projects. He played little League and Babe Ruth baseball. At an early age Hadley made friends easily. While staying with Grandad and Gram on a trip to Colorado Springs, standing in the buffet line, went to a man, stuck out his little hand and said “My name is Hadley Patrick Durham, what’s yours.” At the age of 11, Hadley started his livestock business with his first nurse cow, “Pancake” purchased from a neighbor, the perfect cow to “train” him. Many more came and went, most died on the farm from old age. At the peak of his nurse cows, there was seven and six of them fresh at one time. 3-4 calves on each cow. 18-20 babies coming in to nurse going to their assigned cow all at one time.

Hadley had patience that would rival any kindergarten teacher. A real gift to get babies started on their adopted momma. He bottle feed bum lambs that were gifts from Wilbur Hanson. This experience helped make him a really good stockman. Many times while working with cattle if they weren’t cooperating he would talk to them and take them one at a time slowly, gently up an alley or on to a truck or trailer. While doing nurse cow chores he sang. He could remember the words to a song or a poem after hearing it a couple times. He practiced the “Auctioneer Song” by Leroy Van Dyke, becoming pretty good. He worked as a ringman at Winter Livestock in LaJunta. While working at the sale made many new friends.

In September of 2014 Hadley graduated from Worldwide school of Auctioneering. Through his actioner work at 4-H and FFA sales and farm auctions, he made many more friends. He farmed in the Rush and Ellicott areas, through some of the dry years, having yields of 6 bushels of wheat to the acre, and 500 lbs. of hay to the acre. In April of 2021 Hadley purchased a farm in Hoxie Ks. with more rain and a little irrigation was raising hay for his livestock. He made many new friends here in a short time. Hadley passed away at the farm 8-6-2021. He leaves to mourn his passing parents Pat and Anita, brother Ethan, Gram Clarene Durham, Grandma Jean Fetty, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Many Many Friends.


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Monday, August 16, 2021

Miami-Yoder School

420 S. Rush

Rush, Colorado, United States