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Thank you to our local news supporters

“Local news by and for local residents is essential to the health of our community”

Since the launch of The Longmont Leader in April 2020, local residents have reached out to let us know they support our efforts to provide useful news and information to the community. A number of them have also pledged contributions in varied amounts to help ensure that we can continue to provide the news that matters most to our community.

The following people have allowed us to share their names as advocates of local journalism. We thank you, and all of your fellow advocates wishing to remain anonymous, for your support of the work we do each day.

Click here for more information or to pledge your support to The Longmont Leader today.

Our Supporters

Jason Vallery
David Reed M.D, J.D.
Deborah Simmons
Ilene M Ryan
Tom S.
Tori Peglar
Rebecca Walker
Nick D
Chris Hauck
Damon Moss
Jim Petri
Jo Ann Crouch
Anthony Maine
Leslie Irvine
Jon & Kim Kanas
Catherine Bailey
Natalie Parker
Eric Klinger
Amanda Maldonado
Ron Kruse
Glen Carmichael
Carol Sanderson
Joanne Kirves
Stephen Laughlin
W Vito Montone