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High temperatures blanketing Colorado this week

Xcel Energy shares tips to save energy and keep bills low during the hot weather
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Summer heat has finally arrived across Colorado and Xcel Energy is encouraging customers to consider ways to save energy and keep their bills low as temperatures soar. Home cooling can account for about half of a summertime electric bill.

There are a number of steps customers can take to save energy while cooling their homes, including:

  • Installing a programmable thermostat that raises the setting when the house is empty and lowers it to a comfortable level when everyone comes home.
  • Using ceiling fans to circulate cool air throughout the home.
  • Opening interior doors to improve the circulation of cool air inside.
  • Using a whole-house or attic fan to draw in cool nighttime air and push out hot air during the day.
  • Changing air conditioner filters and having your air conditioner coils cleaned to improve efficiency.
  • Closing drapes and blinds during the heat of the day.

Customers can also reduce their overall bills by:

  • Turning off lights and electronics when they’re not in use.
  • Replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs, which use 75%-80% less energy than traditional bulbs and last 15% longer.
  • Running washing machines, clothes dryers and dishwashers with full loads and only after the heat of the day. This helps keeps the house cooler and reduces strain on the electric grid.

Xcel Energy is also taking steps to lower customer bills and provide more resources to help customers in Colorado. Customers now have an online one-stop shop with ways to save energy and money, explore energy-efficiency incentives and rebates, have more stable bills, and learn about payment assistance.

Home Energy Squad visits are now free in Colorado and are a great way for customers to make their homes more energy efficient. Customers can sign up using promo code "FREESQUAD" and the Home Energy Squad will assist them with saving through quick, affordable, energy-efficient fixes during an in-home visit. The Home Energy Squad will replace traditional LEDs, install a programmable thermostat, weatherstrip drafty doors, and install energy-efficient showerheads and faucet aerators.

Residential customers can also enroll in the Saver’s Switch and AC Rewards programs, which help support the energy grid during very high use. Customers are financially compensated for enrolling in Saver’s Switch and AC Rewards. Customers who have already signed up should review their enrollment and the details of the program and what to expect during the hot summer months.

Learn more about Xcel Energy’s residential energy savings tips. Xcel Energy also offers incentives and rebates that customers can use to make their homes and businesses more efficient. Learn more about those programs here.
