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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Slacktivism vs activism

Letter to the editor: Slacktivism vs activism

What are you really doing to make change?
Michael Clinton: What is it about our species that makes conflict seem like such a forgone conclusion?

Michael Clinton: What is it about our species that makes conflict seem like such a forgone conclusion?

Remember these words from Jewel: “In the end, only kindness matters.”
Letter to the editor: Ruby Bowman: The county commissioners got it wrong on prairie dogs

Letter to the editor: Ruby Bowman: The county commissioners got it wrong on prairie dogs

"They didn’t address the harm their action will inflict on the Stearns Bald Eagles at the Carolyn Holmberg Preserve."
Letter to the editor: Lloyd Lewis: Lack of housing for people with disabilities is at a crisis point

Letter to the editor: Lloyd Lewis: Lack of housing for people with disabilities is at a crisis point

But what troubles me is that very often they… and many other men and women in Colorado with disabilities…do not have adequate housing options.
Letter to the editor: Joe Thompson: Let's bring hope and optimism back to Longmont

Letter to the editor: Joe Thompson: Let's bring hope and optimism back to Longmont

The wealth disparity is growing exponentially and somehow, we, as a society, believe following the same approach (again, one that has failed time and time again) will solve this housing crisis.
Letter to the editor: Michael Clinton: How to address disinformation

Letter to the editor: Michael Clinton: How to address disinformation

Give a hug to someone you love whose political affiliation is opposite yours. 
Letter to the editor: Eric Frankowski: Longmont is smart to adopt advanced metering infrastructure

Letter to the editor: Eric Frankowski: Longmont is smart to adopt advanced metering infrastructure

"AMI keeps Longmont ahead of the curve on power infrastructure, giving our growing city a big economic advantage."
Letter to the editor: Shari Malloy: Concerns about the Rivertown development annexation proposal

Letter to the editor: Shari Malloy: Concerns about the Rivertown development annexation proposal

After our 2013 flood, Longmont adopted a 500-year-flood mitigation plan.
Letter to the editor: Joan Peck: Longmont donations to Marshall fire victims coordinated through HOPE

Letter to the editor: Joan Peck: Longmont donations to Marshall fire victims coordinated through HOPE

The giving kindness of people around the state has been amazing but storing the items has become a major concern.